8 Tips for Having a Threesome, From Our Anonymous Experienced Threesomers

  1. Be open to trying new things.
  2. Have extra condoms on hand, even if it’s just one guy and two women. This is handy for switching condoms if you’ve got two women and also for covering up and easy sex toy cleanup.
  3. Put a towel down, just in case.
  4. Offer your threesome buddies a drink and a snack because it’s polite.
  5. Music helps to set the mood.
  6. Don’t spend too much time spiraling in advance over who is doing what and what goes where. It’s not a group project and you are not getting graded on participation.
  7. That said, if there are hot ideas you’ve been too timid to try before or positions you’ve been saving for a rainy day, throw them in now! You’re already doing something outside your comfort zone, so give yourself the freedom to lean all the way out.
  8. Do not make your poor unicorn your couples therapist.
